What is hybrid sustainability? by Do Janne at Pakhuis de Zwijger

31 July 2024

Do Janne spoke at Pakhuis de Zwijger x De Architect last week about the new office for DPG Media and ‘hybrid sustainability’: “Hybrid sustainability is not just about calculations. It is also about whether the building will be loved and used in the long term.”

Also Janneke van der Velden (Powerhouse Company) and Cécilia Gross (Venhoeven CS) each explain a building in which various sustainable measures have been applied. Jurriaan van Stigt (LEVS) and Guus Degen (ORGA Architects) present their own developed CO2 calculation method. Laethitia Nossek (The Dutch Green Building Council) and government architect Francesco Veenstra reflect on what a truly sustainable building is.

Read more: https://www.dearchitect.nl/294606/arc-talk-do-janne-vermeulen-hybride-duurzaamheid-gaat-niet-alleen-over-berekeningen

Watch lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zq0JhiMC4o

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